Monday, December 20, 2004
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Many New or Expectant Mothers Die Violent Deaths (
I have been befuddled for a year by the extrodinary amount of attention paid by the country and the media to the Peterson case. What could we possibly be so fascinated by here?
Ah, the answer comes today with this report, first of three, by the Washington Post. As it turns out, the killing of a pregnant woman is FAR more frequent in our very own country that we'd expect. The statistics are astonishing and virtually unreported. We needed the facination with this case to prompt some smart reporters to go see if this is a trend. As it turns out, no reliable system exists to track such cases.
"It's very hard to connect the dots when you don't even see the dots," said Elaine Alpert, a public health expert at Boston University. "It's only just starting to be recognized that there is a trend or any commonalities between these deaths." -snip
Five years ago in Maryland, state health researchers Isabelle Horon and Diana Cheng set out to study maternal deaths, using sophisticated methods to spot dozens of overlooked cases in their state. They assumed they would find more deaths from medical complications than the state's statistics showed. The last thing they expected was murder.
But in their study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2001, they wrote that in Maryland, "a pregnant or recently pregnant woman is more likely to be a victim of homicide than to die of any other cause."
"It was a huge surprise," said Horon, who recalls paperwork covering the researchers' kitchen tables on weekends and evenings as they sought to understand the astonishing numbers. "We thought we had to have made a mistake. We kept checking and checking and rechecking."
Their findings, as it turned out, were no error. Homicide accounted for 50 of 247 maternal deaths in Maryland over a six-year period -- more than 20 percent. It had caused more deaths than cardiovascular disorders, embolisms or accidents.
"People have this misconception that pregnancy is a safe haven," Cheng said. -snip-
Three weeks after Peterson disappeared in Modesto, Quinnisha Thomas lost her life in Sacramento, 80 miles away. Eight months pregnant, Thomas, 18, was walking home from a grocery store when her ex-boyfriend shot her in the head execution-style because, prosecutors said, he believed fatherhood would get in the way of his music career. "This was a big, major inconvenience for him," prosecutor Mark Curry said.
Other states that say they have no way of counting pregnant and postpartum homicides include Arizona, where Melinda Gonzalez, 20, was found dead in a park when she was three months pregnant; and Pennsylvania, where Christina Colon, 24, five months pregnant, was shot and found dead in a quarry. -snip-
Jacquelyn Campbell of Johns Hopkins University said the number of cases has surprised her, even after her many years of research on women's homicides. Although she knew of pregnant homicide victims, she said, "I thought it was a tragedy. I didn't think it was a trend."
Now, she has come to believe: "It's a phenomenon. It probably was always there, but we just didn't know."
The homicides documented by The Post happened in small mountain towns, in tough urban neighborhoods, in quiet suburban subdivisions. The women who died included a college student, a popular waitress, an actress, a church volunteer, a mother of three, a Navy petty officer, an immigrant housekeeper, a businesswoman, a high school athlete, an Army captain, a minister's wife, a Head Start teacher.
More than 100 were teenagers, barely beyond their own girlhoods. -snip-
One recent year of homicides -- 2002 -- was examined in greater detail to get a closer look at how and why the cases happened. For a group of 72 homicides in 24 states, The Post interviewed family members, friends, prosecutors and police. The analysis showed that nearly two-thirds of the cases had a strong relation to pregnancy or involved a domestic-violence clash in which pregnancy may have been a factor.
The dead included Ceeatta Stewart-McKinnie, 23, a college student in Richmond who was beaten to death by her boyfriend. The couple had dated on and off for years, and she had had abortions previously, prosecutors said. This time, he was married -- and she refused to end her pregnancy. Turkey hunters found her bludgeoned body in the woods.
In Chicago, Chavanna Prather, 17, was a high school student who played basketball and worked part time at McDonald's. Prather became intimate with her manager at work, then became pregnant and asked for money for an abortion, police said. She was found dead in a river on the city's South Side. He awaits trial.
In Rochester, N.Y., Zaneta Browne, 29, was at odds with her married boyfriend about her pregnancy in 2002 when he shot her with a .22-caliber rifle. The killer and his wife secretly buried her on rural land, hoping no one would find out. Browne left three children behind. She was nearly four months pregnant with twins.
Louis R. Mizell, who heads a firm that tracks incidents of crime and terrorism, observed that "when husbands or boyfriends attack pregnant partners, it usually has to do with an unwillingness to deal with fatherhood, marriage, child support or public scandal." -snip-
At any age, "pregnancy is a huge, life-altering event for both the male and the female," said Pat Brown, a criminal profiler based in Minneapolis. "It is certainly a more dangerous moment in life. You are escalating people's responsibilities and curtailing their freedoms."
For some men, she said, the situation boils down to one set of unadorned facts: "If the woman doesn't want the baby, she can get an abortion. If the guy doesn't want it, he can't do a damn thing about it. He is stuck with a child for the rest of his life, he is stuck with child support for the rest of his life, and he's stuck with that woman for the rest of his life. If she goes away, the problem goes away."
Dept. of Peace & Representative meetings in Jan
- Hold peace as an organizing principle in our society;
- Endeavor to promote justice and democratic principles to expand human rights;
- Strengthen non-military means of peacemaking;
- Work to create peace, prevent violence, divert from armed conflict, use field-tested programs, and develop new structures in non-violent intervention, mediation, peaceful resolution of conflict, and structured mediation of conflict;
- Address matters both domestic and international in scope;
- Submit to the President recommendations for reductions in weapons of mass destruction, and make annual reports to the President on the sale of arms from the United States to other nations, with analysis of the impact of such sales on the defense of the United States and how such sales affect peace;
- Encourage the development of initiatives from local communities, religious groups, and nongovernmental organizations;
- Facilitate the development of peace summits at which parties to a conflict may gather under carefully prepared conditions to promote non-violent communication and mutually beneficial solutions;
- Develop new programs that relate to the societal challenges of school violence, guns, racial or ethnic violence, violence against gays and lesbians, and police-community relations disputes.
If there is any legislation that would be worth even a lifetime of effort to become law, this would be it. It would create a powerful counterbalancing momentum away from the war belief we hold currently: that war / violence is inevitable and therefore acceptable.
I wrote an article about the rationale for the Department of Peace. I'll post it soon.
This legislation would collect under one umbrella several scattered domestic and international programs that are designed to reduce violence. As the Department of Homeland Security argued for the value of centralizing departments to improve coordination and communication, so too, the Department of Peace would improve coordination and communication among these existing programs.
It would also appropriately fund exceedingly effective field-tested programs that have been shown to have strong measurable impact at reducing violence in schools, prisons, and local communities.
People who are skeptical about peace challenge me -- peace means doing nothing. On the contrary, "peacework" is hard work -- doing the work that promotes connection, self-worth, community and effectively teaches the skills -- and they are skills -- so that peace-based ways of resolving conflict become second-nature. The programs that the Department of Peace would fund show us time and again that once learned, these skills are transformational and they WORK.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Impressions from outside
Monday, December 06, 2004
Updates on peace work
This blog will be an account of the work I'm doing to implement the mission of Imagine Festival. Imagine Festival is a music and workshops festival that is to tour around the country at university areas to start with, plus an anchor performance / workshop / retail / cafe space in Los Angeles. Its mission is to get people together to imagine what the world is like at peace, then take the steps we need to get there. I've been working on it for almost three years now.
It struck me on election night, as the results poured in and I got a call from my repub friend who was still my friend after 2 years of arguments, that the election was a huge fight over who gets to hold the steering wheel, when no one has really articulated where we're actually trying to go.
"We must go right! No! We need to go left!... Wait, where are we going?"That's what I intend to help create with Imagine Festival... an idea of where we're trying to get to. I have an instinct that we really have a lot more ideas in common around that than we realize.
I have another instinct that the road to get there won't be the paved one going left or the paved one going right, but the unpaved road hidden right before us at this hostile-looking T junction. There is a road there... we just can't see it yet.
Part of the work of Imagine Festival is to create visible, vibrant networks of people actually doing the work to make peace an operating principle in our society. There are a lot of incredibly successful programs out there already, they just don't make the news and they're not adopted into our ways we teach our children. That can change.
This next month, I'm going to organize a group meeting with my congresswoman to discuss with her the creation of a Department of Peace -- a bill that will be dropped soon by Dennis Kucinich. This department will be a major step forward for this nation. More about the Department of Peace to come. You can find out more at in the meantime. Check back soon!